Friday, August 13, 2004


So the 28th Olympic Games are officially underway (the Olympic Football competition started on Wednesday) and with over 200 countries (some of which I've neither heard of or know where they are geographically) there's going to be a lot of national anthems to try and identify as the games progress.

Hopefully these games will pass by with little or no drug related stories, but that may be too much to hope for.

Anyway, roll on the next 16 days.

Sunday, August 08, 2004

Angry Alien Productions Presents....

Films In 30 Seconds With Acting Bunnies!

If you don't have the time to sit through a film let Angry Alien Productions help you as they condense a film down into 30 seconds (cutting out all the non important bits) and make it all cartoony and stuff.

The cartoons are animated using Macromedia Flash and so far the '30-Second Bunnies Theatre Troupe' have performed in the following productions:- The Exorcist, The Shining, Titanic and Alien and there will be more to come.

See for yourself why The Exorcist bunnies won a silver public prize for Best Short Film at the Fantasia Film Festival in Montreal.

It's all tremendous fun, shame there are only 4 films at the moment.

We want more dammit!