Thursday, August 05, 2004


So after much discussion, rumour, counter rumour and whatnot Sven Goran Eriksson will remain England Football Coach.

Now I'm not sure what Sven's private life has to do with being a football coach and therefore can't really see what the fuss was about, think about it Sven is single, Faria Alam's single so in essence there was nothing to see here just two people in a relationship (argh!! two people involved a relationship, the outrage).

So why the big deal, well the big stories sell lots of papers so the press can be partly to blame, also the FA can be partly to blame as well for issuing a public statement (why? no other organisation issues statements about so and so going out with so and so) thus building the whole thing out of proportion and led to today's emergency meeting.

I wonder if the possibly large compensation pay out that would have been needed to pay off Sven had any bearing on the outcome of today's meeting? Just a thought.

Sven will have to deliver the goods (fnar, fnar!) at World Cup 2006 for this decision to be vindicated.

More here:

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