Something a bit different this time, as following the recent reports of numerous security 'holes' in Microsoft programs (namely Windows and Internet Explorer) it was time for a bit of a rant.
Now while we all wait for the next Windows XP Service Pack (unless you're not running Windows XP in which case you're not waiting for the Service Pack at all) Microsoft continues to plug the holes in it's software only after someone has exposed the 'hole' or as we all know it 'hacking' in the form of patches. Surely the multi billion company that is Microsoft should be able to find the 'holes' in it's software before the hackers do, else Microsoft might as well admit that the software was released unfinished and by releasing numerous patches and Service Packs they seem to be suggesting this fact.
Fortunately your average home user is not what your average hacker is looking for and is of no interest to them, but that doesn't mean that you should overlook system security. Ideally you should have installed on your system:- an antivirus program, a firewall and a spyware checker as the bare minimum if you frequently use the internet and don't forgot to keep them up-to-date, else they might as well not be there. Of course the only way to stay safe is to never use the Internet again, but then you wouldn't be able to read this blog again. Please stay!
If you use the Internet there is good chance that you will be viewing this blog in Internet Explorer. But Internet Explorer comes in for it's fair share of criticism due to it's many security holes. An option is to change your default browser. You can find a browser comparison at this web page - Out of the browsers currently available Firefox appears to be many peoples browser of choice, but it too was found to have a security 'hole' that could be exploited by hackers. It could be that no Internet browser is entirely safe from hackers.
So maybe Microsoft is trying it's best to keep up with the hackers it's just that the hackers are always one step ahead. Only time will tell who wins this one.
Rant over.
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