Saturday, July 03, 2004

Reopen For Business

I'm sorry there hasn't been much activity on the blog front during the past week, but as regular readers will have spotted I've had the decorators in and I like what they have done with the place.

Apart from a new paint job to the blog (which makes it easier to read I think) other changes are that the tag board is no more, although it could show up again on the brand new supplemental website currently in development (more later). The archives are now listed as months (or at least they will be as at the moment there is only one month to archive so far) rather then weekly and I think it just makes the blog look less cluttered and improves navigation around the blog. So we'll see how this layout works out.

The website is currently under construction (so sayeth the current homepage). Once the site goes live the plan is to use it as a supplement to the main blog (possibly with a similar design style) which at the moment will probably include photos (even though it's possible to add images to the blog I'd prefer to keep it text only for now) and an archive for the game rants and anything else I can think of that might not be blog worthy.

That's all for now. See you later.

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